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          1台灣人走私冰毒近3千克被珠海海關查獲 更新日期:2009/07/02 10:18 (中央社台 辦公室出租/a>北2日電)廣 澎湖民宿州珠海拱北海關北九洲關日前查獲1起大宗毒品走?酒店打工p案,查扣冰毒2805克。走私毒犯黃某為台灣人,這是九洲海關今 土地買賣年以來查獲的首宗特大毒品走私案。 新華社報導,6月29日中午,九洲海關旅檢關員 褐藻醣膠對1班由珠海至香港的客輪進行監管,從20多件托運行李中鎖定1可疑的黑色拉桿皮箱。經查實,攜帶皮箱 售屋網的旅客為黃嫌所有。 在當事人目睹下,海關關員當場打開皮箱,從箱底的特製夾層內取出1個裝有晶狀物體的白色塑膠袋。經珠海市?永慶房屋膠w局技術鑒定中心檢測,晶狀物體為冰毒,總重2805克。 據黃嫌供述,毒品為1男子安排他託帶出境。980702 取自>http://tw.news.yahoo.com/ar 酒店兼職ticle/url/d/a/090702/5/1mb7d.html .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 襯衫  .

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          貨櫃量灌水爭排名? 高港商官46人起訴 更新日期:2009/06/18 04:09 〔記者鮑建信、黃旭磊、李文儀/綜合報導〕為拚高雄港的貨櫃排名,港務局官員和航商不惜灌水、虛增貨櫃裝卸量?高雄地檢署昨偵結此案,包括港務局?借貸讔穢鰽奶雂@名官員、航商幹部廿五人,被依圖利或偽造文書等罪提起公訴,並追回陽明、日郵、美國總統輪船三家公司逾一億零 關鍵字廣告一百多萬元不法所得。 涉詐領3億獎金 港務局長謝明輝等人否認 被訴官員都強調清白,認為是貨櫃裝卸量計算認知不同所致。交通部高層則表達配合調查立場 情趣用品,目前在起訴階段,依例不會調整人事,通常在一審有罪時,才會調整主管職務,待三審定讞後才能處分。 檢方起訴書指出,高雄港務局為提升碼頭使用效力,增加貨櫃裝卸量 褐藻醣膠,使高雄港成為亞洲最有競爭力港口,在九十五年至九十七年間,實施貨櫃量成長獎勵措施,包括減免租金和管理費等優惠。 被告高雄市港務局長謝明輝等官員,涉嫌與陽明、長榮、萬海、美商美國總 買屋統輪船、日郵等公司職員共謀,涉嫌以虛增貨櫃裝卸量詐領、重複計算貨櫃量,或非法核發獎勵金等方式,並製作不實的紀錄,讓陽明等航商共詐領三億三千萬元獎勵金。 據了解,去年初雄檢接獲檢舉後即積極查辦,大搜港務?賣房子翩B航商等廿多處據點,並清查扣案資料,赫然發現港務局官員竟然在公文上批示,為了衝高業績,「不擇手段」等字眼,令人匪夷所思。 針對本案,謝明輝昨氣憤表示,他看過部分起訴書,先前向檢方答辯內容,並未列入反駁紀錄,反而全變成犯罪 保濕面膜事實,而對他有利證據,全不採用,不知檢方是怎麼偵辦的,只好到法院去說,相信法官會還他清白。 高雄港務局官員透露,謝明輝去年應訊後,曾痛罵檢方預設立場問話,「問題方向預設好,叫我們去答話填空」。港務局一干官員也對於檢方相當不滿。 官員表示,涉案人 襯衫被扣上「報表灌水」相當不滿,每年一千多億元營業額的航商(陽明),獎金是「九牛一毛」,航商有必要貪這些小錢、公務人員有必要為此丟官嗎?不過,也有港務人士稱,全國眼睛都放在高雄港貨櫃排名,官員壓力非旁人可理解,官員與航商不都是為了「數字」好看,誰會去貪那個獎金? 陽?室內設計B針對本案表示,交給律師處理,沒有不法。一名涉案航商幹部表示,身為羈押過的當事人,不便多說。 取自>http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090618/78/1lgwh.html .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 宜蘭民宿  .

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          海盜頭目:火箭彈襲美貨輪 意在報復 更新日期:2009/04/16 07:35 劉學源 (法新社摩加迪休15日電) 酒店兼職 代償一名海盜頭目今天表示,索馬 酒店經紀利亞海盜昨晚發射火箭彈攻擊一艘美國貨輪,是為了 情趣用品摧毀該貨輪,以報復美國海軍上週末營救一名美國船長行動。 那艘美國貨輪14日?烤肉食材葥k過海盜攻擊,但也有更多船隻落入索馬利亞海盜手中。法國國防部宣布,一艘法國軍艦攔截到一 小型辦公室艘海盜母船,並逮捕11名槍手。 海盜頭目賈拉德(Abdi Garad)告訴法新社有關「自由太陽號」(Liberty Sun)昨晚遇襲事件時 婚禮佈置表示,「這是針對我們的頭號目標發動的第一起攻擊。我們打算摧毀這艘掛美國旗的船隻和船上船員,但很不幸讓他們僥倖逃脫。」 賈拉德又說:「這次攻擊的 買房子目的完全不同,我們不是為了勒索贖金。我們也指派配備特種裝備的一個團隊,負責追逐和摧毀掛美國旗的任何船隻,以報復殘酷屠殺我們的朋友。」 在另一項情勢發展中, 景觀設計希臘當局表示,索馬利亞海盜今天釋放一艘希臘所有、掛聖文森旗的貨輪,該貨輪及24名船員於3月19日遭海盜劫持。(譯者:劉學源) 取自>http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090416/19/1hxn 襯衫o.html  .

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          〈獨家〉遙控飛機救難 拋繩吊掛沙洲受困 更新日期:2009/04/05 19:23 劉松霖若有民眾受困河流沙洲,目前消防隊作法是拋繩槍救援,但容易被風勢影響,失 烤肉敗率高;台中有民間救難團體,已經練熟一套遙控直升機救 房地產難技術,7分半之內,送救生衣、拋繩、吊掛救人,還能用視訊鏡頭拍攝記錄。 遙控 代償直升機模擬沙洲受困的救難情形。救難隊無線電對話:「現在我們準備救生衣吊掛。」大型遙控直升機將救生衣和 保濕面膜頭盔,送到受困者手上,接著換小型直升機上場救人。救難隊員:「架設點39米。」用來吊掛的牽引繩,拋到對岸之後,遙控直升機?seo\成身退,最後才輪到真人上場救難。救難隊無線電對話:「牽引繩慢慢來、慢慢來,放,放,放,好,拉高!」這段過程還能用機上的視訊鏡頭,觀測錄影, 酒店工作高空俯瞰,即時連線,河中受困,用遙控飛機救援,目前還沒有普及,去年有2名工人困在大甲溪的沙洲上,傳統拋繩槍發射9次,全部失敗。 風一大,拋繩槍就對不準,如果是遙控飛機,拋繩?賣屋t度快又穩定,還能克服地形障礙;台中縣穿山甲救難協會和螺旋槳航空俱樂部,過去一年不斷搭配演練,遙控飛機救難技術,越來越成熟。 穿山甲救難協會副總幹事呂明秋:「我們自己有測試過,在7分鐘?租辦公室b要完成。」螺旋槳航空俱樂部理事長王嘉翔:「也是對社會有一點貢獻這樣,不要說...單單只是說遙控模型飛機只是在玩而已。」 個人興趣變成救人專業,遙控飛機玩家說,只要再改善機上的視訊品質,未來可以飛入受困的偏遠村落拍攝影像?酒肉朋友A還多了項勘災用途。取自>http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090405/8/1hayq.html(此原出處網址已無效) .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 花蓮民宿  .

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          AIT處長司徒文「美國人在台灣的足跡:1950-1980」特展開幕致詞 AIT處長司徒文「美國人在台灣的足跡:1950-1980」特展開幕致詞 Mr. President, Minister Yang, Minister Shen, Ambassador Yuan, Director Gu, Mrs. Patricia Linder, distinguished guests, ladies and gentleman, good morning. 大家好。台灣人常說﹕「凡走過必留下痕跡。」我們正是要透過這次的展覽,用影像來說故事。 Taiwan people often say:「凡走過必留下痕跡」A loose translation into English might be "Footprints in the sand surely show where you have been." With t 租辦公室 his exhibit, "American Footsteps in Taiwan," we try to tell the story of our relationship with Taiwan through the "footsteps" of photographs, filmed recollections, memorabilia, and other traces of the past. The exhibit shows where we have been, and in the process, I believe it also tells us something about ourselves now. Over 64 years ago, on July 4, 1946 the United States was the first foreign country to open a librar 好房網y in Taiwan since the Japanese occupation. In fact, however, we had already even earlier opened a reading room. July 4 was just when we inaugurated the full lending library. I believe this small but early U.S. contribution to Taiwan is significant because it demonstrated from the start our long-term commitment to Taiwan. And it also showed that our interest in Taiwan was not just because it was militarily and strategically important, but also becaus ARMANIe we had and still have a long-term commitment to building relationships with Taiwan in all areas and on all levels. That is why we are here today. That is the point of this exhibit--to reaffirm our long-term commitment to and partnership with, the people of Taiwan. Yesterday I had the opportunity to be interviewed to talk about this exhibit. I highlighted some of the displays that I thought were especially significant. As I walked through the exhibit with the camera ARMANI crew, I was struck once again by the depth and breadth of our relationship with Taiwan. I also again felt very proud that the United States was able to help Taiwan with some of the tools it needed to build such a strong and vibrant democracy, and such a robust and advanced economy. This is a point that I want to emphasize. The United States was able to give tools and assistance. But it was the hard work and determination of the people of Taiwan that created the Taiwan that we see today. 設計裝潢 It is a sad fact that not everyone America has tried to help has done so magnificently well. That first library was a small, but significant step toward all the areas of cooperation that have since evolved. We are all aware of our significant military cooperation. There was also, however, from the start, important cooperation in agriculture, the economy, medicine, education, and the arts. This exhibit offers only a small taste of all the many areas of cooperation between us. Although the exhibit is a 關鍵字排名retrospective look at that cooperation, we have also included a portion looking forward. You will see, for example, a model of our new American Institute in Taiwan office compound currently under construction in Neihu. The building represents our future with Taiwan. It is larger than our current building and allows for further expansion which has not been possible at our current location. Significantly, we have taken steps to make the building ecologically-friendly with solar panels, waste water recycling, and every other inno 系統傢俱vative "green" technology we could incorporate. It is a building that represents our partnership with Taiwan in the 21st century. I am honored today that President Ma Ying-jeou and so many other illustrious guests who are also friends and supporters of Taiwan U.S. relations, have joined us for the opening of this exhibit which celebrates the friendship between the United States and Taiwan. I hope that everyone will notice that we have shown some of the difficult times in our relationship as well as its achievements. I believe the fact that we h ARMANIave gone through difficult times and yet remained close friends shows the depth of our shared commitment to the relationship. The enduring strength of the relationship is also evidenced by the special guest we have here today from whom you have already heard, Mrs. Patricia Linder, spouse of the last Commander of the U.S. Taiwan Defense Command--who traveled all the way from Tucson, Arizona to join us at this exhibit. All the years since she and Admiral Linder had to leave Taiwan have clearly not diminished her abiding affection for and commitment to Taiwan. I think it 部落格 is fair to say that all of us who know Taiwan come to love it. And now, it is my great honor to introduce President Ma Ying-jeou. http://www.ait.org.tw/zh/officialtext-ot1030.html 【相關閱讀】部落格側展:美國人在台灣的足跡(2010.12.17-2011.01.24,國家圖書館)-1/3部落格側展:美國人在台灣的足跡(2010.12.17-2011.01.24,國家圖書館)-2/3部落格側展:美國人在台灣的足跡(2010.12.17-2011.01.24,國家圖書館)-3/3AIT處長司徒文「美國人在台灣的足跡:1950-1980」特展開幕致詞推薦!!「美國人在台灣的足跡」展覽:國家圖書館:20101217~20110124馬說「美國人在台灣」展覽「美國人在台灣」展覽:當馬遇見林 部落格德夫人  .

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          日韓合併百年 st1\00003a*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}日韓合併百年 【Comment】 〈日韓合併條約〉是1910年8月29日;終戰是1945年8月15日;韓國獨立是1948年8月15日。 道歉也要很謹慎,主要是「雙方期待」不同時很難處理。不小心或有人惡搞,也有可能好事變壞事。1995年為戰敗的〈村山談話〉,即使被認為是「最積極的道歉」但顯然還「不 租房子夠」~ 戰爭的責任,要怎樣償還才「夠」呢? 要怎樣反省,才是真正的「鑒往知來」?要像Brandt一樣下跪(1970年12月7日,西德前總理Brandt雙膝跪在波蘭猶太人死難者紀念碑前)?戰爭債呢? 順便提一下,講到韓國(+朝鮮),不免該提「滿洲國」。現在,大家好像忘記曾經有「滿洲國」這一 開幕活動回事,包括滿族族人自己~,根本不尊重自己的歷史,卻將很爛的漢人的歷史拿過來作為自己的。 日本政府考慮在日韓合併百年時致歉 ●共同社(2010.07.17) 今年8月將迎來日韓合併百年紀念,日本政府開始探討如何向韓國國民表達對過去殖民統治的歉意問題。日本政府希望通過顧及韓方意願的方式,對歷史問題在一定程度 房屋買賣上做一了結。 日本政府也曾考慮過採用“首相講話”方式,但是由於發表首相講話需經內閣會議決定,而國內對此表示反對的意見根深蒂固,因此政府將關注輿論走向,慎重作出決定。 在16日下午的記者會上,外相岡田克也談到村山富市、小泉純一郎兩位前首相曾發表首相講話,對“殖民統治和侵略”表示了反省與道歉。岡田稱:“在(日韓合併)百年 永慶房屋這一節點上,我們正在探討作為政府應該如何應對。” 外交消息人士透露,韓國向日本政府傳達信息稱,希望能配合慶祝從日本殖民統治下解放的8月15日“光復節”這一天發表首相談話。 另外,駐東京的韓國政府人士表示:“如果首相菅直人能在同一時期訪問韓國,那麼韓日兩國關係無疑將朝前邁進一大步。 http://china.kyodo.co.jp/modules/fsStory/index.php?sel_lang=t 個人信貸chinese&storyid=83352 韓日強行合併將滿百年 日本積極考慮對韓致歉 ●朝鮮日報(2010.07.16) 還有一個多月將迎來日本強行合併朝鮮100年(8月29日)紀念日。據悉,在此之際,日本政府正積極考慮借此機會在得到內閣批准後,以首相名義發表談話。 韓國和日本政府有關負責人15日透露說,7月11日的參議院選舉結束後,日本政府已著手討論面向韓國國民發表談話的形式和內容。 據悉,日本政 系統傢俱府有關負責人對韓國政府表示,日方會在談話中表現出最大誠意,但具體內容和形式還需要進行內部協調。據悉,23日在越南河內舉行的東盟地區論壇(ARF)等韓日政府有關人士見面的場合裏,日本政府會詢問韓方的意願。 主管這一問題的大臣、外相岡田克也最近發表的言論非常積極。他最近接受媒體採訪時表示:“今年是對韓日關係非常重要的一年。對於一百年前發生的事情……我非常理解國家被奪走、民族自尊心受到傷害的人 租房子們的心情。” 此次發表的談話內容和1995年發表的“村山談話”相比能有多大進展成為關注焦點。“村山談話”是日本戰敗50周年,即1995年8月15日,時任首相村山富市為在戰後進行全面清算而發表的談話。據評價,談話內容包括“表明深刻反省的決心並真心謝罪”,是最為積極的道歉。 據悉,日本政府認為,如果說“村山談話”是對受到侵略的亞洲國家的道歉,此次合併100周年的談話就只局限於韓日關係,因此要從真心對韓國人道歉的角度出發進行準 信用貸款備。 在對強行徵用者個人的賠償問題上,日本表現出的微妙變化也值得關注。日本官房長官仙谷由人7日在東京外國特派記者協會((FCCJ)召開記者會時表示:“ 雖然說‘在法律上已經結束’,但如果關係不好,就必須在政治上制定一些可以改善狀況的方案。”此番言論可以說是發生了巨大轉變。雖然尚未證實是否與此有直 接關係,但三菱重工最近已向被強行徵用為勞工的老奶奶們發出公文稱“答應參加賠償談判”。 談話中雖然不太可能包含上述內容,但卻可以看出日本政府?濾桶熙○怐顒犒嬼◇C而且,日本政府內部主張“應該加強韓日安全合作”的聲音最近不斷提高等,對韓日關係戰略重要性的認識日益提高,這一點也可能會對談話的內容產生影響。 但是,日本民主黨政權在711參議院選舉中慘敗後承受的政治負擔也可能會使談話的力度有所降低。 http://chn.chosun.com/big5/site/data/html_dir/2010/07/16/20100716000022.html .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店兼職  .

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          Google的正式聲明 【Comment】 怎麼看,都是「相罵本」。假使中國網友看不見,那完全是中國政府的「意願」與「作為」所致了。Google保護中國員工,是這樣;假使,有外國企業「悴心」,也是…。 Google正式聲明全文: 今年1月12日,我們在本部落格上宣佈,Google及另外二十餘家美國公司受到了來自中國的、複雜的網路攻擊,在對這些攻擊進行深入調查的過程中,通過我們所收集到的證據表明,幾十個與中國有關的人權人士的Gmail帳號定期受到第三方的侵入,而這大部分侵入是通過安裝在他們電腦上的釣魚軟體或惡意軟體進行的。這些攻擊以及它們所暴露的網路審查問題,加上去年以來中國進一步限制網路言論自由,包括 對FaceBook 術後面膜、Twitter、YouTube、Google Docs 和 Blogger 等網站的持續屏蔽,使我們做出結論:我們不能繼續在Google.cn搜索結果上進行自我審查。 從今天早上開始,我們已停止了在Google.cn搜索服務上的自我審查,包括 Google Search (網頁搜索)、Google News(資訊搜索)和Google Images (圖片搜索)。 訪問 Google.cn 的用 戶從現在開始將被指向Google.com.hk,在這個域名上,我們將提供未經審查的簡體中文搜索結果,這些為中國大陸用戶設計的服務將通過我們在香港的伺服器實現。香港地區的用戶還將繼續通過Google.com.hk獲得跟現在 租房子一樣的、未經審查的繁體中文搜索服務。在我們進行遷移的過程中,由於香港伺服器負荷的增加以及這些變化的複雜程度,用戶可能會發現搜索速度變慢,或發現某些產品暫時不能訪問。 實施我們做出的在Google.cn上停止審查搜索結果的承諾是一個十分艱難的過程。我們希望全球盡可能多的用戶都能訪問到我們的服務,包括在中國大陸的用戶。中國政府在與我們討論的過程中已經十分明確地表示,自我審查是一個不可談判的法律要求。為此,我們相信,一個解決我們所面臨挑戰的可行方案是在Google.com.hk上提供未經審查的簡體中文搜索結果——它完全符合法律要求,同時也有?室內設計U於提高中國大陸用戶對資訊的訪問。我們十分希望中國政府尊重我們的這一決定,儘管我們知道,用戶對Google服務的訪問有可能隨時被阻止。為此,我們將密切監測網址訪問問題,並製作了一個新頁面,用戶可以實時地瞭解到在中國哪些Google服務是可用的。 至於Google的廣泛的業務運營,我們計劃繼續在中國的研發工作,並將保留銷售團隊,然而銷售團隊的規模顯然部分取決於中國大陸用戶能否訪問Google.com.hk 。最後,我們要清楚表明:所有這些決定都是由美國的管理團隊做出和實施的,沒有任何一位中國員工能夠、或者應該為這些決定負責。自我們在1月份發佈部落格以來,儘管面臨著眾 辦公室出租多的不確定性和困難,他們仍然堅守在工作崗位,專注於服務我們的中國用戶和客戶。我們為擁有這樣的員工感到深深的驕傲。 http://udn.com/NEWS/WORLD/WOR1/5492720.shtml A new approach to China: an update 3/22/2010 12:03:00 PM On January 12, we announced on this blog that Google and more than twenty other U.S. companies had been the victims of a sophisticated cyber attack originating from China, and that during our investigation into these attacks we had uncovered evidence to suggest that the Gmail accounts of dozens of human rights activists connected w 有巢氏房屋ith China were being routinely accessed by third parties, most likely via phishing scams or malware placed on their computers. We also made clear that these attacks and the surveillance they uncovered—combined with attempts over the last year to further limit free speech on the web in China including the persistent blocking of websites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google Docs and Blogger—had led us to conclude that we could no longer continue censoring our results on Google.cn. So earlier today we stopped censoring our search services—Google Search, Google News, and 關鍵字廣告Google Images—on Google.cn. Users visiting Google.cn are now being redirected to Google.com.hk, where we are offering uncensored search in simplified Chinese, specifically designed for users in mainland China and delivered via our servers in Hong Kong. Users in Hong Kong will continue to receive their existing uncensored, traditional Chinese service, also from Google.com.hk. Due to the increased load on our Hong Kong servers and the complicated nature of these changes, users may see some slowdown in service or find some products temporarily inaccessible as we switch everything over. Figurin 個人信貸g out how to make good on our promise to stop censoring search on Google.cn has been hard. We want as many people in the world as possible to have access to our services, including users in mainland China, yet the Chinese government has been crystal clear throughout our discussions that self-censorship is a non-negotiable legal requirement. We believe this new approach of providing uncensored search in simplified Chinese from Google.com.hk is a sensible solution to the challenges we've faced—it's entirely legal and will meaningfully increase access to information for people in China. We very much hope that t 設計裝潢he Chinese government respects our decision, though we are well aware that it could at any time block access to our services. We will therefore be carefully monitoring access issues, and have created this new web page, which we will update regularly each day, so that everyone can see which Google services are available in China. In terms of Google's wider business operations, we intend to continue R&D work in China and also to maintain a sales presence there, though the size of the sales team will obviously be partially dependent on the ability of mainland Chinese users to access Google.com.hk. Finally, we would like to make clear that al 西裝l these decisions have been driven and implemented by our executives in the United States, and that none of our employees in China can, or should, be held responsible for them. Despite all the uncertainty and difficulties they have faced since we made our announcement in January, they have continued to focus on serving our Chinese users and customers. We are immensely proud of them. Posted by David Drummond, SVP, Corporate Development and Chief Legal Officer http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/03/new-approach-to-china-update.html  .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 21世紀房屋仲介  .

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          超越世俗不斷進步的達賴法王 st1\:*{} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}【Remark】 st1\:*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} 法王即使貴為無 國之 君,仍能不斷進化,其關懷從一宗教而宗 部落格教整體,從單純心靈而與科學並重,最後及於環境和宇宙。這不斷的擴展關懷與挑戰自我的胸懷,與堅持非暴力,世間少有。table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}遺憾的是,在台灣我們也同時見到部分有權者,不 建築設計斷的退化與返祖。 謹以此文,向達賴法王致敬與感謝。 超越世俗不斷進步的達賴法王 八八風災後,台灣雖有幸邀請達賴法王第三度駕臨以撫慰受創的心靈,法王卻在台灣被來自北京與馬政權,甚至黑道與宗 長灘島教山頭聯手騷擾打壓。台灣從蔣經國解嚴起二十多年的民主成果,甚至純樸文化似將毀於一旦。 的確,圖博在過去有類似北京所稱「農奴」的社會結構,但那是作為類似歐洲中世紀封建政經發展的遺緒──封建主因擁有領地而佔有人民( 酒肉朋友或領土上的一切屬於領土,quidquid est in territorio, est etiam de terrirorio)。身為王國的君主,達賴擁有「專屬領地」並非特例,如聯合王國君主的王權領地(Crown Estate)或如專屬王儲的康沃爾郡(Cornwall)等都是,只不過後者已解除對人的 買房子 佔有權,而1959年達賴流亡印度接受保護之後,法王事實上也不再有此權力。歷史上圖博與中國的關係,是基於達賴本人與本質為「滿蒙聯合帝國」的大清帝國皇帝本人「個人層次」的保護關係,並非中央與地方的從屬關係。這些本是東亞歷史過程中的曇花特例,卻遺憾的成為中國拖?室內裝潢礄犮N巨輪的口實。 達賴法王出亡印度後,心境與見識有了極大的動態轉變──政治上,從德蘭莎拉建立民選的三權分立體制,我們可看出法王釋出權力並實踐民主立憲的承諾。在精神上,法王從一個藏傳佛教的行者,逐漸跨出教派藩籬而與世界各大宗教領袖對話與相互理解;進一步的,法王不以宗教為滿足, 租辦公室多次與諾貝爾獎得主等天文、量子物理、哲學、腦神經學、經濟等學者深入對話,往往都能直指議題的核心,驗證了法王深厚的素養與關心逐漸昇華到人心與環境的互動。 1959年以後的法王已經突破中世紀的禁錮,進入21世紀的現代。此次法王的演講題目〈一個地球 共同的責任〉(One world, Common responsibility)已 關鍵字排名為其持續進化的心靈做下注解。相反的,不斷反對法王的北京、馬政權和部分宗教山頭,反而是拖住時代的腳步,將台灣拉回百年沒有民主、毫無人權的前清社會。而,他們政權的基礎,甚至於文明性又在哪裡呢? 一個喪失領土管轄權的君主,若忿忿不平或心性轉為陰險憂柔,實乃人性常態。法王卻仍以進化的心靈、爽朗的笑聲,不僅鼓勵子民也滋潤世上所有無 澎湖民宿助的心靈。他能獲得諾貝爾獎與深獲世界領袖所一致推崇無不是人格特質的展現,絕非刻意討好或信口開河的結果。圖博深厚的文化基礎及對非暴力的堅持,已讓法王已昇華為純然的覺者,其精神如昭昭日月,如豆的政治人物與語言豈能沾污於萬一。 法王說:「好久沒來台灣,我想看看老朋友。我的臉沒有變,不知道老朋友的臉,變了沒?」誰的臉變了呢?偉哉,智慧之海! 賣屋  .

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          俄羅斯撤回銷中國之Su-33艦載戰鬥機 ■航空與航太(2009.03.17)/雲程譯 st1\:*{} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}【Comment】Ouch, that really hurts, to Chinese now then to Russian later. The point is if China chooses not to follow rules of civilization, what is the “meaning” of China emerging? 重點是:若中國我行我素:剽竊、違約、霸權、中原至上…,其崛起的「意義」何在? see also 俄羅斯憤怒中國拷貝蘇剴Su-27噴射戰鬥機 ■真理報 2008.04.22雲程譯 幾則有關航空母艦的發展 日媒:中明年啟動自製航母計畫 ■中時(2008.12.31) 俄羅斯撤回銷中國之Su-33艦載戰鬥機 ■航空與航太(2009.03.17)/雲程譯 莫斯科發行量百萬份的日報(Moskovsky Komsomolets)報導:俄中之間對於中國軍工企?洗車~公然剽竊俄羅斯軍事科技的長期齟齬,已經爆開,俄羅斯通知中國決定不銷售中國Su-33艦載戰鬥機了。報紙報導,這是因為怕北京生產比此戰鬥機更便宜的外銷機種。 根據報導,有關未來將用在中國航空母艦上的50架俄羅斯Su-33(NATO稱側翼D,Flanker-D)銷售的談判,近日在中國要求先交兩架作為樣品(trial)後,已經觸礁。俄羅斯當局對中國過去違反智慧財產權協議而生產Su-27SK的剽竊機種很頭痛。兩國從2006起就為此交涉,但中國拒絕遵守協議,俄羅斯已經無法防止中國的剽竊。 Su-33是空優、艦隊防衛、空中支援與偵察用多用途艦載戰鬥機。在1995年在俄羅斯海軍服役,目前在俄羅斯航空母艦庫茲涅佐夫號(Nikolai Kuznetsov)上服役。 相對於西方機種,Su-33非常便宜也很有效。 在1995年中國與俄羅斯 鍍膜簽署價值25億美元的契約以便在瀋陽飛機公司生產200架Sk-27SK的複製機種J -11A。契約規定,飛機將配備全套俄羅斯的航電設備、雷達和引擎。俄羅斯發覺中國發展本土機種J-11B並配備中國的航電與系統後,在2006年終止契約。 俄羅斯在中國已經生產95架J-11B後取消契約。 中國本來答應要買14架Su-33B型戰機,但俄羅斯予以拒絕,認為至少要24架才能符合生產成本。中國提出:買2架看看。 不過,報導中預期此事並非最終結果。因為中國非常需要這些戰機,來裝備其預計於2011年下水首艘48000噸級的航空母艦。 北京已經宣佈在2020年建造核子動力航空母艦。 剽竊同志 從1940年代到1960年代,兩共產鄰國是在全球攜手對抗西方帝國主義的意識型態伙伴,中國從蘇聯取得滿坑滿谷的武器。全套蘇式武器被中國軍工廠拷貝與製造 翻譯社與外銷到其盟國。 其中包括了武器與系統如輕武器、迫擊砲、大砲系統、車輛、坦克、防空系統與飛機。中國甚至了仿製的Tu-16中程轟炸機,生產了西安H-6。 俄羅斯分析家強調:在1979~1989期間,中國生產了90%的迫擊砲給阿富汗叛軍Mujahedin。 剽竊的風潮並未因北京和莫斯科1980年代末關係的正常化而稍減。只要中國能插手的,包括巡弋飛彈、飛機引擎、Su-27戰鬥機,都公然剽竊並外銷給北京的盟友。 對俄羅斯而言,真的很難抉擇。軍售以不再如冷戰時代重要,但卻是生存所需?可以獲得俄羅斯亟需的外匯並確保軍隊有效運作,也能繼續雇用航太與國防工業專家和科學家。 這就是中國總是能希望敗部復活。笑容總將在這條龍的臉上畫出。 http://www.domain-b.com/aero/mil_avi/mil_aircraft/20090317_russia.html Russia ba 結婚西裝cks off from sale of Su-33 carrier-based fighters to China ■Aviation & Aerospace(2009.03.17) Moscow: A long simmering dispute between Russia and China over the blatant piracy and sale of Russian military technology by Chinese arms manufacturers may have finally spilled over with a leading Russian daily, the Moskovsky Komsomolets, reporting that Russia may have conveyed to China its decision not to sell the Su-33 carrier-based fighters to it. It fears that Beijing would produce cheaper export versions of the aircraft, the Komsomolets has said. According to the report, talks on the sale of 50 Russian Sukhoi-33 (NATO: Flanker-D) fighters, for use on future Chinese aircraft carriers co 有巢氏房屋llapsed recently after China requested an initial delivery of only two aircraft for a "trial." Russian authorities were been deeply chagrined in the past to find that China had produced a copied version of the Su-27SK fighter jet in violation of intellectual property agreements. The two countries have been in negotiations for the sale of these aircraft ever since 2006, but have failed to secure a deal with alarmed Russians seeking intellectual safeguards from the Chinese, who have been refusing to oblige. The Su-33 is a carrier-based multi-role fighter, tasked for air superiority, fleet defence, air support and reconnaissance missions. The aircraft entered service with the Russian Navy in 1995 and is cur 買屋rently operational on board the Russian Navy's Nikolai Kuznetsov aircraft carrier. The Su-33 is significantly cheaper, and as effective, as comparable Western models. In 1995, China and Russia signed a $2.5-billion deal for the local production of 200 Su-27SKs, dubbed J -11A , at the Shenyang Aircraft Corp. Under the deal, the aircraft were to be outfitted with Russian avionics, radars and engines. The deal died a natural death in 2006 after the Russians discovered that China was developing an indigenous version, the J-11B, with Chinese avionics and systems. The Russians cancelled the deal with the Chinese already producing 95 of the J-11B version. The Chinese initially offered to buy 14 of the Su-33B version, but 濾桶the offer was turned down by the Russians who claimed that at least 24 had to be sold in order to recoup production costs. The last straw appears to have been the latest Chinese offer to pick up two aircraft for ''trials.'' However, the report also suggested that this may not be the end of the road for the deal as the Chinese are in desperate need of the fighter to equip their first indigenous 48,000-ton aircraft carrier, due to take to the waters by 2011. Beijing has also announced plans to build a nuclear-powered aircraft-carrier by 2020. Ripping off the comrades From being 'fraternal,' ideological partners in the global war against Western imperialism in the early 1940s, through to the late 1960s, when rela 酒店經紀tions soured between the two communist neighbours, China received huge stockpiles of Soviet weaponry. The entire gamut of Soviet designed weaponry was copied and produced at Chinese factories and exported to its allies. These included weapons and platforms such as firearms, mortars, artillery systems, armoured fighting vehicles, tanks, air defence systems and aircraft. The Chinese even produced their own version of the legendary Tupolev Tu-16 Badger intermediate-range bombers, re-designating it as the Xian H-6s. In the period 1979-1989, Russian analysts stress, China was responsible for the supply of 90 per cent of mortars to Mujahedin insurgents in Afghanistan . The copying frenzy did not abate with the normalization of relations between Moscow and Beijing in the 酒店經紀late 1980s. Anything China could lay its hands on, including cruise missiles, aircraft engines, the Su-27 fighter, were blatantly copied and exported to Beijing allies. For Russia , it is a genuine dilemma. Arms export is no longer a Cold War imperative, but a bread and butter issue ?it earns the Russian State precious foreign exchange and keeps its vast army of talented, and experienced, aerospace and defence industry engineers and scientists employed. This is where the Chinese can always hope to revive any 'closed' deal. The smile may yet be on the face of the dragon. http://www.domain-b.com/aero/mil_avi/mil_aircraft/20090317_russia.html .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 吳哥窟  .

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